Monday, March 31, 2014

book review: Seeking Allah finding Jesus

Nabeel Qureshi tells an amazing story of his growing up in a devote Muslim home and then converting to Christianity when he was an adult. This book has wonderful insights into the lives of a devote Muslim and how their religion effects their live. 

I was excited to see this book as one I could possibly read and review. I was not disappointed.   I really enjoyed this book and the author’s perspective.  It is one I’m sure I will read again and pass on to friends.   I found all the information about the Muslim religion fascinating as well as Nabeel’s search for truth in Christianity.  Our society has many unfavorable stereotypes about different religions and what those people are like.  Most devote Muslims are not the fringe groups we hear about on the news (just as most Christians are not like their fringe groups) but are kind, generous, nice people.

As a mother I was amazed at the amount of devotion his mother went into teaching him Muslim traditions, teachings, and respect.  This level of devotion is something all mothers should strive for.

Note: I received this book for free to read and review.  The opinions above are my own and I was not compensated for a positive review.  I was not compensated for a positive review.

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