The Encounter: Sometimes God Has to Intervene by Steve Arterburn is a 140 page fictional story (based on two true stories) about a successful man who's life is falling apart because of his resentment of his mother for abandoning him when he was 4 years old. To fulfil a promise to his friend/counselor/pastor, he travels to his hometown in Alaska to try and find out information about his mother and why she left him.
This story shows how people's action are influenced by their past and you can not know why until you know the entire story. This story is one of forgiveness, grace, love, and faith. I enjoyed reading this short story.
After the story are less than 20 pages of the author discussing how these built up resentments can ruin your life and harden your heart. He walks the reader through simple steps to let go of the past and come to an understanding of why things happen. These steps are simple is words but very hard to do in actions.
I think this is a story I will hold onto for a while in my heart. Its so easy to get caught up in yourself and how things effect you. It is much harder to look around and see how those same action are motivated and how they effect others. And to look and see how your actions effect others.
Note: I was given a copy of this book to review from I was not compensated for positive reviews and the opinions above are my own.